
GFRIEND "Season of Memories" 10週年巡迴演唱會 2025 香港站
本活動採用動態 QR Code 電子門票。成功購買門票後,閣下可隨時在 KKTIX 應用程式查看到電子門票 QR Code。購票者須前往 App Store/Google Play 下載 KKTIX 應用程式。
Dynamic QR code e-ticket will be issued for this event. E-tickets can be viewed on the KKTIX App upon successful purchase. Ticket holders are required to download the KKTIX App before the event on the App Store / Google Play.
門票限以 KKTIX 會員購買。請購票人士先免費加入成會員並盡早通過手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證,以便進行購票流程。接收不到電話驗證碼短訊怎麼辦?請點我。
To purchase tickets, you must become a KKTIX member. Please sign up as a member for free and verify your email address and phone number at your earliest convenience. Unable to receive the phone number verification code? Please read me.
為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您在註冊會員或結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用 Yahoo 或 Hotmail 郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到「訂單成立通知信」。
An order confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. To avoid the failure of receiving the order confirmation email, KKTIX does NOT suggest using Yahoo or Hotmail email for registration.
系統發出之 QR Code 電子票券等同正式入場門票,一組 QR Code 限一人使用。如閣下購買的是多張門票,則會收到同等數量的 QR Code。
The QR code on your e-ticket is equivalent to the official admission ticket. One QR code can only be used by one person. You will receive an equal amount of QR code according to your purchase amount.
每次交易限購 4 張門票。每位 KKTIX 會員及每張信用卡最多可購買 8 張門票。訂單一旦成立,恕不接受更改、取消、退回或退款。
A maximum of 4 tickets can be purchased per transaction. Each KKTIX member and each payment card can purchase up to 8 tickets. No modifications, cancellations, returns or refunds will be accepted once the order is established.
每張門票需要收取 HK$12 KKTIX 平台服務費。所有已繳付的服務費或任何手續費於任何情況下均不獲退還。
KKTIX booking fee of HK$12 will be charged for each ticket. All booking fee or any other handling fee charged will not be refunded under any circumstances.
本活動只接受 VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay 信用卡付款。
This event only accepts VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay credit cards.
This is a seated event. The system will follow the preset logic to scan from the default preferred seat to select appropriate location of the available seats matching the required quantity from customers for their consideration.
An order confirmation email will be sent to your email address upon each successful purchase. The email could be undelievered to your email system due to various reasons. The confirmation email is for notification purposes only. The inability to receive the confirmation email does not equal to failure of the transaction. You can visit “Your Billing List” to view the details of your orders. If you cannot view the related order or if you receive a cancellation notification email, that means your transaction failed and you should try ordering again. If your payment method fails during the purchase, please try again within the specified time limit.
KKTIX 系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的門票就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁是否有釋出可購買的門票。
KKTIX will release the tickets accordingly from the uncompleted orders by customers who do not finish the payment within the time limit. Customers can check the availability of tickets by visiting our website.